This page provides a summary of how this project will improve the roadway pavement conditions and reconstruct a new streetscape to enhance pedestrian safety and experience along the East 185th Street Corridor from Nottingham Road to Lake Erie.


  • Infrastructure Improvements
  • Incorporation of Planning Study Concepts
  • Pedestrian Safety Improvements
  • Enhance Pedestrian Realm
  • Corridor Rebranding
  • Public Art and Gateway
  • Preserve/Increase Tree Canopy

The planning study was completed for the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission and Northeast Shores Development Corporation in conjunction with the City of Cleveland, City of Euclid and business and institutional stakeholders in 2017.


  • The East 185th Street pavement resurfacing extends from Nottingham Road to Pawnee Avenue (Part 2) and
    from Pawnee Avenue to Lake Erie (Part 1), approximately 1.6 miles.
  • Nottingham Road to Villaview Road – The existing concrete will be repaired, and new asphalt will be placed
    on the surface.
  • Villaview Road to Lake Erie – The existing asphalt surface will be removed, the underlying pavement base will
    be repaired, and new asphalt will be placed on the surface.
  • Replacement or repair of non-compliant street curbs, sidewalks, and drive aprons. Replacement will occur
    throughout the streetscape limits and, outside of those limits, repairs as required based on condition and
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps will be installed at street crossing locations.
  • Installation of curb bumpouts at Villaview Road, LaSalle Road/Kildeer Avenue, Schenely Avenue/Muskoka
    Avenue, Pawnee Avenue, Monterey Avenue and Rosecliff Road. The existing traffic island at Villaview Road
    will be extended and curb ramps added.
  • In addition to the curb bumpouts, streetscape improvements include street trees, decorative brick paver amenity strips, decorative crosswalks, bike racks, benches, and trash receptacles. Branding features such as gateway entrance signage and pole mounted decorative metal banners will be included.
  • Locherie Avenue, the fifth leg of the intersection with East 185th Street and Lakeshore Boulevard, will become a cul-de-sac to address safety concerns with turning movement confusion. Acquiring a portion of an existing property is required for this improvement.
  • Installation of curb bump-ins at the GCRTA bus layover area in front of the Villa Angela-St. Joseph High School.
  • New signing and pavement markings will be installed including shared lane markings (sharrows) added to the
    driving lanes to indicate a shared lane for bicycles and vehicles from Villaview Road to Lakeshore Boulevard.
    A striped median will be added between Nottingham Road and Villaview Road.
  • Parking lanes will remain along the corridor in available areas.
  • Existing traffic signals will be replaced with new signals at Villaview Road, Neff Road, and Lakeshore Boulevard.
  • Water main abandonment will occur south of Villaview Road to Mozina Drive. Existing water main replacement
    extends from Mozina Drive to Pawnee Avenue.


  • Followed Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Plan Development Process and Engineering & Construction policies and procedures.
  • Stakeholder involvement took place during the planning study.
  • Project website has been developed to allow for virtual public presentation and comment.
  • Pre-construction meeting to be scheduled by ODOT prior to construction start. Anticipated to be held in Spring of 2022.



Estimated Total
Construction Cost

Federal Grant – $3,400,000

Ohio Public Works – $3,924,500

Public Utilities – $1,479,690

City of Cleveland Road & Bridge Bonds – $1,919,580

City of Euclid – $866,930