The video below provides a project summary and overview of the website content:
Project Design:
The East 185th Street Rehabilitation Project is
being designed in two parts.
Pawnee Avenue to Lake Erie
0.7 miles
City of Cleveland & City of Euclid
Nottingham Road to Pawnee Avenue
0.9 miles
City of Cleveland
Estimated Construction Cost:
Project Funding Sources:
Federal Grant Funds
City of Euclid
Ohio Public Works
Public Utilities
City of Cleveland
Project Representatives:
Michael Polensek –
Cleveland Council Member, Ward 8
Kristian Jarosz –
Euclid Council Member, Ward 4
Project Organizers:
Project Organizers
Paul Fatica, P.E. –
Consulting Engineer, City of Cleveland, Division of Engineering and Construction
(216) 664-2469
Joe Duffy, AICP, Planning Manager
City of Euclid Department of Planning & Development
(216) 289-8154
The Proposed Improvements along East 185th Street will include:
Asphalt resurfacing of roadway pavement, including full and partial depth pavement repairs, where needed.
Curb, sidewalk, curb ramp and drive apron replacements throughout the streetscape improvement limits. Replacement is based on ADA compliance and condition outside of those limits.
Locherie Avenue, the fifth leg of the intersection with East 185th Street and Lakeshore Boulevard, will become a cul-de-sac to address safety concerns with turning movement confusion.
Streetscape improvements including street trees, decorative brick paver amenity strips, curb bumpouts and decorative cross walks. In addition, branding features such as gateway entrance signage and pole mounted decorative metal banners.
Parking Lanes will remain along the corridor in available areas.
New signing and pavement markings including bike sharrows within the East 185th Street travel lanes.
Replacement of the Villaview Road, Neff Road and Lakeshore Boulevard traffic signals.
Replacement of the existing 10” water main with a new 12” water main from Mozina Drive to Pawnee Avenue.